Tuesday, March 18, 2008

People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks

The fact that I liked this book was a total surprise to me. A patron came in and told me about it and asked if we were going to buy it. I looked at the reviews and did, then when I gave it to him, he wanted to know what I thought, so I told him I'd read it after him. Normally, I eschew this type of thing, because I hate to read a book just because it gets raving reviews. Sometimes I don't read a book for exactly this reason (i.e. The Kite Runner).

This book is about a book, but not really. It examines the varied lives of the people that touched a certain book through the ages. I have to admit that, as a librarian, this thought appeals to me in some way. I've often wondered where our books travel and what the people's lives are like that read them. In some cases, I am almost positive that I don't want to know. If you read library book, I'm sure that you have seen mystery stains or smelled mystery smells that you don't want to know about. But I am also positive that there are things about our patrons that I would find fascinating.

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